當 2020 年到來時,A.I. 產業可能會有高達 200億美元的價值,在這麼具有未來性以及良好前景的產業下,設計者應該了解 A.I. 的定位是什麼?以及在設計時該具備什麼樣的專業能力?(點下圖可看原文) 本篇精華摘要:
| Design will be less about delivering on a user’s request, and more about responding to the needs they haven’t expressed yet.
本文介紹了許多 A.I. 在目前產業界中比較知名的賦能案例。(點下圖可看原文) 本篇精華摘要:
| More personalization in the user experience usually means more relevance for users, which leads to better conversion rates.
因此本文討論了設計師本身要進行的改變,以及 UX Deisgner 可以嘗試發力的價值點。(點下圖可看原文) 本篇精華摘要:
| The greatest revolution occurring in design is how the UX designer can utilise data and intelligence.
04 人工智能如何被用來設計更好的用戶體驗
當 A.I. 的基礎能力和各種數據模型漸趨成熟的今日,過往的弱 A.I. 在各種專業領域上已經可以有很好的表現,身為設計者或改變者的我們,如何結合 A.I. 的能力去賦能原有的產品和用戶體驗(點下圖可看原文) 本篇精華摘要:
| If AI is the new UI, then personality could be the new UX
本篇文章有許多在設計對話機器人的原則和實戰經驗,適合初踏入此領域的小夥伴們閱讀。(點下圖可看原文) 本篇精華摘要:
| We found that sounding robotic increased efficiency. People had a lower expectation of what it can actually understand. When the bot sounded too smart and too much like a human, people pushed its limits by saying things that had nothing to do with a request
本篇也是作者將實戰經驗做了一些原則性的總結,並且給到不少相當實用的建議。如果你也正嘗試開始設計 A.I. 對話相關的產品時,不妨參考看看。(點下圖可看原文) 本篇精華摘要:
| Designers need to solve the friction between getting the info the AI needs to know and the info users are willing to provide.